There was that time when I thought I’d take elocution lessons and get rid of my Southern accent. On account of my desire to be on national television as an investigative reporter. My goal got sidetracked when I came home one Christmas vacation a long time ago and reconnected with my high school beau, Jeb Tuckingham. He’d been off doing his thing in Army while I was getting my journalism degree.
Well, Jeb swept me off my feet and sweet talked me into marrying him. He had no plans to leave Tassanoxie so I never did get to be on national television. Instead, I got a job at the Tassanoxie Sentinel where I covered everything from weddings to murder trials. You sure get to know the folks in the town when you write about them for 30 years.
I guess it was a good thing I never took those elocution lessons because folks around here would've clammed up if I didn't talk like them.
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