LuAnna insisted I go to a Tai Chi class with her last week. Can’t say that I’m any good at it, but the I sure do like the people taking the class. Friendliest bunch of folks I’ve met in a long time. Course I know several of them. When you’ve lived in the same town for near about 70 years, if you’re not related to most of its citizens, you’re connected through–church, school, clubs. ‘Course, with LuAnna introducing me to anyone I didn’t know, my head swam as much from meeting new people as learning how to grasp some ole bird’s tail.
LuAnna’s been doing this here exercise for about two years and she swears her balance has got so good she can stand on one foot while she puts her bedroom shoes on. She used to just about fall over if she tried a trick like that. I’m not interested in standing around on one foot, but my balance has gotten a little iffy. Living alone like I do makes me worry I’ll lean over too far one day and just keep going, splat on the floor. Probably break a durn hip and end up in the old folks home.
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